KOSMOS – Measurements

Supporting cardiac measurements & calculations.

Project Type:

UX Designer at EchoNous


Jun. – Aug. 2020, Mar. – May. 2021


2 designers, 5 engineers, 1 PM, 12 sonography professionals

Practice Areas:

UX design, information architecture, interaction design, visual design

My Role:

I served as a design lead in this project, and co-worked closely with other designers, PMs, and project stakeholders.

Project Vision

KOSMOS is a point-of-care ultrasound (POCUS) service combining AI technologies to facilitate ultrasound scans and focus on cardiac disease diagnosis. In this product, the existing measurement features were quite basic. They were far from other traditional ultrasound products, in which particular measurements and corresponding calculations for different body portions and organs were supported. Therefore, as the expansion of the product, we wanted to build advanced measurement features for cardiologists to collect accurate cardiac calculations to better support the diagnosis of a patient's heart condition.


Define the scope of the cardiac measurement and calculation lists that shall be prioritized based on target user needs and to be built initially in the first release.

Deisgn a smooth user flow for measuring, reviewing, editing and exporting based on the existing flow.

Allow users to conduct measurements in a package with their preferred order.

Support users to conduct measurements in different frames of a clip, and even across different clips and ultrasound modes, either instantly or later on.

Present measurement calipers and values, and the calculation values in an efficient way across different stages of the user flow.

Measurement Demo

Design Process

Design Process

Design Requirements

Clarify the project scope and design new cardiac measurement features based on the existing user flow.

Usually, in a point-of-care ultrasound (POCUS) product, the live imaging view was designed for users to acquire their desired images, and its cine review was for instant annotations. KOSMOS was no exception. There were some basic measurement features such as length, circumference, area, etc., and annotations such as text and marker that were provided in the system. Users could edit the acquired images/clips instantly right in the cine review, or afterward in the edit view of the exam review. At that time, we were hoping to improve the funictionalities of the product to support physicians, cardiologists, and cardiac sonographers (our target user groups) to efficiently know if a patient's heart is healthy and functionally work well, so we wanted to build more advanced cardiac measurement and calculation features.

Interaction Map

This project was a little bit different from others I had previously. In the beginning, the scope was quite ambiguous without clear timeline and process to follow. The team had very limited knowledge about cardiac measurements and had no clear idea about which measurements to support and which should be given higher priorities. Therefore, after discussing with the PM, I got two main goals to achieve:

Clarify the scope and set expectations based on the market needs.

Design feasible and usable features that could be reasonably integrated into the existing user flow of our product.

At this stage, I also reviewed the personas created previously for KOSMOS.


I clarified that from business perspective, the primary users of cardiac measurement and calculation features were cardiologists who conduct research or run private practice, and secondary users were medical students who are learning cardiac scanning and diagnosis and rural physicians who conduct rural or telemedicine. Based on their needs, in addition to acquiring images/clips, reports and guidance were also important.

Competitive Analysis

Understand the market and gain background knowledge to support the future work.

With the above discussed directions, my first step was to clarify the project scope. With the PM's help, I had opportunities to talk with several cardiologists and cardiac sonographers in our network to collect a couple of basic measurements to start with.

By reading some echocardiography textbooks and articles, I was able to gain basic knowledge in cardiac measurements to support myself and the team's future work. Through reading the user guides of other ultrasound products in the market, watching online cardiac scanning videos, and operating other competitor's products, I was able to learn which measurements in the market were supported, and how user flow and interactions for cardiac measurements could be designed. By presenting the summary of what I learned from the research, I was able to help ​the team gain sufficient background knowledge to move forward with me.

Main User Flow


Brainstorm ideas with other design team members.

With some design ideas in mind, I started ideating potential user flow and interactions. In this stage, I also invited the other two designers on the team to join the ideation sessions. Since we were all working from home during the period, we utilized InVision Freehand to present and discuss our ideas.

Competitive Analysis

User Flow & User Need Collection

Collect user needs with a user flow diagram and propose potential solutions accordingly.

Through multiple rounds of discussions between designers and the PM, I was able to draw a user flow diagram with more details based on our assumptions.

In this early stage, I explored two main user flow approaches: free flow, and protocol-driven flow. In the free flow, users could acquire images/clips first, and chose the measurements needed later. They could conduct the measurements instantly in the cine review or afterward in the exam review. They could also convert a regular measurement into a particular measurement.

While in the protocol-driven flow, we supposed that users already knew what they wanted to conduct in the very beginning, so they would choose a measurement type first before starting acquiring images/clips. This idea was inspired by what we already had for Ejection Fraction measurements in the system.

Main User Flow

Next, we thought it could be a good timing to start collecting feedback from our users, so I created mid-fi wireframes combining with the user flow diagram to present to cardiac sonographers in our network. In this diagram, more complex scenarios such as conducting multiple measurements across different views and clips to generate calculations were involved.

Main User Flow

From the user feedback, I got four main takeaways:

A particular measurement would not be used independently. Users would use a whole calculation package instead, so we should provide measurement packages instead of independent measurements for users to choose.

The free flow had higher flexibility which made more sense to users because they might need to conduct a set of measurements during the scan, but they might not know it before starting an exam. Therefore, we would get rid of the protocol-driven flow and go with the free flow option.

Converting a regular measurement into a particular measurement was not a common use case and it would take effort to manage and implement, so we could de-prioritize this functionality.

For some measurement packages, measurements would be conducted within different clips and different modes, so this complex scenario might need to be covered in the future as well.

Besides, using AI to support view selection and caliper placing would be very helpful for users, but after talking with the AI team, we realized that it would took time and effort to implement. Therefore, for the first release, everything would be manual, but AI-assistant measurements could be a direction to work on in the future.

Through multiple rounds of discussion, I was also able to clarify the requirements for the new features and listed down potential solutions accordingly.

Competitive Analysis

Design Decisions

Support easy navigation, operation, and info access.

After gathering initial feedback from users and having the project scope defined, I made several design decisions to support intuitive and smooth operation:

Calculations Icon

All the calculations that could be calculated based on the existing measurements would be automatically generated and presented to support users efficiently gain their desired information.

Help Icon

Reference images which found to be helpful for users would be provided to effectively guide users with clarity during the process.

Location Icon

Visual feedback for the measurement operation progress would be designed to support easy navigation, such as marking the progress on the control panel and the cine bar.

Imaging Icon

To help users focusing and avoid the crowded and distracting views, clips with basic measurements and annotations would not be allowed to add particular measurements, vice versa.

Clips Icon

Only saving a clip instead of saving an image would be allowed in conducting particular measurements, in order to support the scenario of multiple measurements of a package placed in different frames of a clip, and to simplify the workflow at the same time.

Scalability Icon

Since we plan to have AI-assistant measurements in the future, we would keep this in mind and consider scalability while working on the design.

Project Scope

Define the measurements and calculations to support initially based on the market needs.

In addition to the design direction, I also clarify the project scope parallelly. Through the above mentioned research, I found over 200 cardiac measurements and calculations across different scan modes. To define which measurements to give priorities to, I reached out to over 10 physicians and cardiac sonographers.

By continually discussing with the PM and sonography professionals and through multiple iterations, I eventually narrowed down the scope to the most frequently used ones (around 20) and generated the list to support. The measurement packages in the B mode (the brightness scan mode) were given higher priorities which would be implemented in the first release.

Controls and Functionalities

Design Wireframes

Utilize wireframes with higher fidelity to collect further interaction and visual feedback.

With the scope defined, based on the previous user feedback and the design decisions, I created mid-to-high fidelity wireframes and utilized them to collect further feedback from sonography professionals. Over a course of few months, more than 10 cardiac sonographers got involved, who also talked with our sales and direct customers in a regular basis. The way we interacted was more like a focus group combining with participatory design method. Since sonographers with different training backgrounds had various opinions on how to categorize measurements, I applied this method for them to give me feedback and discuss different opinions sufficiently with the team so that we could reach to a solid conclusion efficiently. In the process, developers were also involved in an early stage.


Participatory Design

Improve the interaction and visual design to support efficient navigation and operation of the product based on the feedback of sonography professionals.

Through several rounds of feedback collection sessions, discussions, and iterations, I refined and polished the design accordingly. Below I took the measurement package with the most crowded view – "P L/SAX (Parasternal Long-axis and Short-axis)" package, as an example to demonstrate what I learned and the main changes made along the way:

Order Iteration
Number 1

Users might need to conduct a set of measurements during a scan section and different users might have their different preferred order for conducting the measurements. Therefore, a predefined order was provided following the norm in the field, but users could change the order by tapping on a particular measurement caliper trigger, or skipping the current one and coming back later. I also found that users would choose a qualified view first, and placed all the calipers belonging to one particular view in the same view, so I modified the user flow by giving a view setting control for users to pick a view before starting choosing a measurement caliper. Besides, I also learned that users did not need to see the measurement values and its caliper triggers in a view which they did not belong to, so it was addressed in the design to make each view cleaner as well.

Visual Feedback Iteration
Number 2

Users needed to know the current status and the next steps in the procedure, so on the control panel, a menu of all the measurements in the package for the current view was designed with the active measurement label highlighted. To enhance the navigation, the visual design and the layout for the controls were improved as well. The view switching control was changed from tapping to switch to a dropdown selection, which made the control looks more like a button and be more efficient when there were more than two views in one package for users to choose. Besides, a visual representative of a particular view was added on to the set view button to gave user a clear connection between the button on the control panel and the control on the cine bar of the imaging window. I also improved the visual treatment for the uncompleted status on the menu by changing a solid line with a tint color of the theme color into a dotted line with the theme color, to make it easier to perceive.

Color Coding Iteration
Number 3

From user feedback, I realized that colors were helpful for differentiating different types of measurements. Therefore, different tertiary colors in the system were leveraged to code different views, such as ED (end diastole), ES (end systole), MS (mid systole), and others. The controls and the calipers that belonged to the particular views were all color coded.

Cine Review Iteration
Number 4

Cine bar was a control for users to review an acquired clip. Users could use the left and right fences to pick a desired range to save. For the package with measurements required in diastolic and systolic views, users would conduct them in one cardiac cycle. If users acquired a clip which was over a certain length, the two views would be super close on the cine bar which made it hard to operate the set view controls. Also, because of the current cine bar design was not clean enough, we took it as an opportunity to improve the cine bar by refining the visual treatments and adding a zoom feature. We learned that the speed control and the next/previous controls were not used frequently in the scenario of conducting measurements, so we decided to remove them from the cine bars for measurements. Eventually, we ​figured out a new set of cine bars – one for the regular cine review / exam review, the other for the clips with measurements. For the later one, users could adjust the begin and the end fences to select a range to zoom in. By tapping the "..." icon button or the legend on the right side, they could return to the initial view.

Edit Iteration.png
Number 5

Users needed a place to check out all the conducted measurements and all the corresponding calculations. Also, after acquiring measurements and leaving the cine review, users might want to adjust the calipers. Therefore, a cardiac report with all the measurement and calculation values auto-generated was designed. Users could edit the calipers in the exam review edit view. They were also allowed to conduct one package multiple times in one scanning exam.

Final Design

Demonstrate a complete user flow of the measurement and calculation new feature with the scenario of conducting a measurement package in different views of a clip.

At the end of the project, the wireframes were uploaded to Zeplin and handed over to developers with Jira tickets. The component library for the product was also updated along the way.

Design Guideline

The final design was presented as below:

Select a Package
Number 1

After acquiring a desired view, users could go to the cine review and choose a desired measurement package.

Set a Frame and Place Calipers
Number 2

Later, users would pick a view on a cine bar, and started measuring. They could choose whichever preferred order and skipped the ones they did not need.

Help Slides
Number 3

The help feature was presented as pop-up slides for user reference. They could check out and focus on the guidance that belonged to the current package.

Cine Bar Zoom in & Switch Frame
Number 4

When users were done with the measuring work in the first step (in ED), they could switch to the next step (in ES). By zooming in on the cine bar, they could better operate the view setting control for the next step.

Clear All
Number 5

If users were not satisfied with what they had got, they could remove the current package by tapping the "remove all" button.

Save & Review
Number 6

In the end, users could save the clip along with the current measurement package, and checked it out or edited it in exam review and report.

Hi-fi Prototypes


Facilitate data-supported cardiac diagnosis.

Based on the feedback from cardiac sonographers, the cardiac measurements and calculation features allowed them to conduct measurements more accurately and gain calculation values efficiently. With the numbers, they were able to quickly tell the issues from different ranges. One example was the measurements for the diameter of aorta root (AoR) and left atrium (LA). With the calculation LA/Ao value, physicians could estimate the increase in effective pulmonary blood flow since the ratio correlates significantly with increased pulmonary flow attributable to excessive transductal flow.

Because of this project, we also built a closer relationship with sonographers in our network. The cooperation model of involving sonography professionals in early design stages and collecting feedback along the way could be applied to other projects in the future.

Impacts of the Measurement Feature



Only those core measurements that could be conducted in B mode were covered.

Without AI's help, some measurements may not be conducted so accurately, such as those required in the mid-systolic view.

Next Step

Collect feedback from usability testings and the market.

Work on the measurements belonging to the core cardiac measurement scope but conducted in other ultrasound modes.

Develop AI-assistant features for measurements to enhance accuracy and avoid mistakes.

What I Learned

Effectively communicating with different roles in a project is crucial to keeping the team members on the same page and moving forward with us, especially when the scope and the direction are ambiguous.

Different user groups may have different needs, and it may be hard to please all the users. Without customization, what we could do is trying our best to cover all the contents and functionalities that target users need, but avoid adding operation burden to cater smooth user experience in the design.